Everton and VAR

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You're a sad person, now can you please go away. Back to school tomorrow so you must have homework to complete.
No! But am taking my young son back next week where he likes his spelling tests! He,s only SIX and he gets 20/20 correct every week. He was spelling the word WINNING when he was FIVE! YOU should be going back to school.

Basically what has happened, is last week there was loads of talk in the media / MOTD etc, where pundits were saying since VARs introduction, there had been loads of instances where the ref should have been "over-ruled" and penalties probably should have been given, but they hadn't, and it was pointless having VAR if the VAR studio were not prepared to go against the on-field ref.

So the referees association has got together and said "look lads, this week, if there's a contentious decision, we'll get VAR to give a penalty so people think we're actually doing something.

The trouble is, the penalty they decide to do this with is one that isn't even a fraction as obvious as compared to loads that have been ignored since the start of the season. And it happens (surprise surprise), to be against us.

If they can't use the technology properly (which they blatantly can't!), they just need to bin VAR now. It's making a bigger mockery out of the state of officiating in England than it already was before it was introduced.
I partly agree but they are like a bunch of women. I could imagine them saying right if that’s what they want we will give it to them. So it’s gone totally over the top to prove a point and made themselves look like idiots. Look who was on Var on Friday night. Mike look at me Dean. He could have given Bertrand a yellow. He lunged but he didn’t follow through. He set the tone for all the refs this weekend. They need holding to account but they think they are so bloody important. You just have to listen to that idiot Dermot Galleger on a Monday morning defending them to the hilt. They are a joke.
I was listening to something and someone mentioned the Niasse dive ban and how we were the first for that and now we're the first for VAR overturning the ref.
We're so incredibly cursed with decisions like this, We're the guinea pig of the Premiership.
I was listening to something and someone mentioned the Niasse dive ban and how we were the first for that and now we're the first for VAR overturning the ref.
We're so incredibly cursed with decisions like this, We're the guinea pig of the Premiership.

VAR won't work because referees and the FA are corrupt to the core.
VAR like FFP sound great in theory, but they have one sole aim - to keep the elite, elite.
Retrospective bans for diving? Mo Salah should have been banned over 10 times last season for diving. Not once did he even get investigate. Niasse was banned.

That absolute parasite, Howard Webb was on BT Sports recently and was asked if he thought an incident. He said "yeah I would probably have given it", he was asked why (as it clearly wasn't a pen), and he said "well the other team were awarded a pen in the first half and this was at the Stretford End"

WT actual F? This, combined with David Ellery's autobiography where he said that referees are told if they are in doubt to favour the big teams as they bring in the money, tells me that referees are corrupt and absolute parasites.

Football is dying

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