Think it would of happened by now if it was gonna be 777, they are just being used now to keep us running til end of season and then the Premier league will step in and let them know that they have failed the 'Fit and Proper' test, and it will be a wonderful farewell...777 take over but its not long term, and club is sold again within 2 years
Is my prediction
Mosh will get his ass kicked and pushed aside, whilst we open the doors back up for Interested parties to get a look in. The outstanding debt will get taken on by one Investment firm, who possibly will take a percentage of the club.
We will battle to stay afloat for another season in the premiership whilst the club gradually gets fixed off the field.
and come 2025 we will be moving into our new stadium, not a rented stadium. Our Stadium !!!
After a year of big sales, the Transfer threads will Gradually start becoming a bit more Appealing.
And year on year Relegation battles will become a thing of the past..