@Bungle for mod.
Returned briefly from xhamster and melt-down occuring. WTF.
Barclays - have 2 charges relating to overdraft, 1 intercreditor charge tidying bits up with ICBC.
Could they have money laundering issues with SportPesa- don't know amd no one on here does unless the beans are spilled.
ICBC not really arsed about SportsPesa cos they've got a charge on PL income stream for the 60m credit facility (1 charge), 2 charges relating to the bank accounts at Barclays that had to be set up for LCC SPV to function and LCC to act as guarantor.
Final ICBC charge would appear to be the reciprocal of the intercreditor charge registered by Barclays.
So why Barclays have allegedly got a bee in their bonnet at this point is beyond me, as the due diligence and MLR work done prior to agreeing the overdraft should have sorted it.
Or are they not keen on the owners of SportsPesa - again, should have been well sorted at this point.
That's just my take, non-vaultable due to my current state of ......
*heads back to xhamster