Was reading this earlier
I wonder if one of the mods could move over the off topic bits of discussion about this from the transfer thread to here?
Hmm , large bank shaped black cloud on the horizon - could put a spanner in our spending plans
Do explain....
Heard about a rather worrying development with our primary banking establishment - I'm sure posters more ITK than me may be able to elaborate
Why don't you just say what you know....
Because I don't know much more than that! Just passing info on - scraps I know but apparently the unhappiness is something to do with the legitimacy of our sponsorship deal
I don't understand why the biggest bank in China, which we've just filed numerous charges on company house with, who are about to finance our new stadium through the LCC SPV, would be that bothered by our Sportpesa deal that's only a small % of our gross income?
Surely massive due diligence would've been done before the bank committed to funding us.
What's this mate?
Ah thanks..
So a Chinese bank is worried about a so called dodgy sponsorship deal? You couldn't make it up.. . Everton that.. will say it before someone else Does!
It's not the chinese bank
So who is it then?
Well Barclays have a single charge, but they are scarcely the main bankers. And the sponsorship is tiny compared to TV money, or indeed LCC or Moshiri guarantees. Going to take a wild guess this goes nowhere at all.
Barclays would be our other lender.
So who is it then ?
Our main bank - Barclays
Dont suppose you have a source for any of this?
Cos frankly it doesnt make sense, on any level.
Yes - somebody with no reason to tell porkies and in a position to know this sort of stuff
Just passing on what I've heard - Never been one to make something up for attention!
I also believe that Mr Elstone is particularly worried at the moment
so what does that mean then?
So is it somebody you know personally or 1 of the many, many attention seeking tools on twitter? Im not expecting you to name anybody, just trying to gauge things, thats all.
Could be nothing - he's not actually a fan so couldn't elaborate too much - He knows I am so was desperate to tell me this morning
More likely than not it's an anti money laundering or anti terrorist funding question being raised. There's massive regulatory pressure on banks now to ensure that the provenance of client (i.e. EFC) funds that flow into their bank accounts is legit and can be proven to be so. I'd imagine there's more to that than meets the eye when it's coming from Tanzania...
Yeah possibly some red flags with the whole thing, hopefully its nothing.
Was reading this earlier
I was just adding that as I thought it would be odd that Barclays would agree to a new charge in the last two weeks if they had concerns about Sportpesa.
I'm not calling @navidson out or anything, just trying to get my head around it.
It's OK mate - could be a load of fluff for all I know - just passing it on
Barclays would be informed during negotiations with Sportpesa. They would then conduct due diligence themselves along with our own advisors and we will have signed the contract.
The only reason there would be something amiss is if the payment was received from a different account than one of the Sportpesa ones submitted to Barclays.
It really doesn't make sense.
Mate, why would a bank, any bank, care about the legitimacy of our sponsorship deal?
What exactly is meant to be "illegitimate" about it? And why would that concern the bank?
The only reason I could imagine any bank being concerned with "legitimacy" is a concern that the payments we are owed are being legitimately paid. Even then, say for some reason they were not, we have a 60 million quid credit facility from a separate bank to the one your mate is claiming is concerned.
I've no idea why Barclays would give a fart about our sponsorship deals? Has that ever been related to any of our financial dealings with them? Not that I'm aware.
Barclays had cut our overdraft limit down years before when we sold Arteta and we used another funding vehicle to leverage the tv revenues and season ticket sales I believe.
So please ask your mate why any bank would take issue with the legitimacy of the sponsorship deal?
Reading what you've posted about it would indicate that neither you nor your mate have any actual clue given the vagueness of the claims. "Unhappiness is something to do with the legitimacy of our sponsorship deal", "large bank shaped cloud on the horizon - could put a dent in our spending plans"
It's awfully light on relevant details mate and doesn't make much sense.
Vote @Bungle for mod
The recognition I deserve at last.
I can promise that if I get in power my first act will be to ban @hktoffee @People75 and @d4kyxx
I will restrict Zat to his own thread with no access to the younger members of GrandOldTeam, and I will unban @ericdjembadjemba, [USER=8807]@Del and @bluemangroup
I will also remove the swear filter.[/USER]
I'm in. I will support you in any way I can.The recognition I deserve at last.
I can promise that if I get in power my first act will be to ban @hktoffee @People75 and @d4kyxx
I will restrict Zat to his own thread with no access to the younger members of GrandOldTeam, and I will unban @ericdjembadjemba, [USER=8807]@Del and @bluemangroup
I will also remove the swear filter.[/USER]
Mate, why would a bank, any bank, care about the legitimacy of our sponsorship deal?
What exactly is meant to be "illegitimate" about it? And why would that concern the bank?
The only reason I could imagine any bank being concerned with "legitimacy" is a concern that the payments we are owed are being legitimately paid. Even then, say for some reason they were not, we have a 60 million quid credit facility from a separate bank to the one your mate is claiming is concerned.
I've no idea why Barclays would give a fart about our sponsorship deals? Has that ever been related to any of our financial dealings with them? Not that I'm aware.
Barclays had cut our overdraft limit down years before when we sold Arteta and we used another funding vehicle to leverage the tv revenues and season ticket sales I believe.
So please ask your mate why any bank would take issue with the legitimacy of the sponsorship deal?
Reading what you've posted about it would indicate that neither you nor your mate have any actual clue given the vagueness of the claims. "Unhappiness is something to do with the legitimacy of our sponsorship deal", "large bank shaped cloud on the horizon - could put a dent in our spending plans"
It's awfully light on relevant details mate and doesn't make much sense.
Can we have a dedicated dogging thread, I'll vote for you if so, I think it's called cronyism or something similar.The recognition I deserve at last.
I can promise that if I get in power my first act will be to ban @hktoffee @People75 and @d4kyxx
I will restrict Zat to his own thread with no access to the younger members of GrandOldTeam, and I will unban @ericdjembadjemba, [USER=8807]@Del and @bluemangroup
I will also remove the swear filter.[/USER]