You’re forgetting Gomes last summer mate. He had a total cost of 11 mill a season wages and amortisation. His going was huge. While Onana also had a high wage and Amortisation.
As for this year I expect there is lingering brain farts from the Moshiri era in terms of interest payments and the like. Then whatever unanticipated Compo for Dyche and his team.
I don’t see cash flow being an issue after June 2025, our biggest issue will be the PSR headroom, think you are looking at three things raising boats:
1) Reduced cost, loss of interest payments on outstanding debts - hasn’t been mentioned on here much R&M and 777/ACAP interest payment are no longer an issue as is that debt. We have a lower wage bill, we have a lower amortisation bill and it gets lower again in June 25, relative even to our to current turnover.
2). Increased revenue, the new ground, we can expect our turnover to go to from 190 mill - 240/50 mill. That creates the broad base to take on additional cost. I caveat that, because there is an untapped potential in the ground…I’m talking commercial deals, naming right, 365 venue, gigs etc.
3) Player trading. Moving on the likes of Beto pushes headroom up. I’d really like to keep to Branthwaite, but from a strictly business point of view if he went, given all of the above I mention - for 80 mill - we’re brewstered.