Its not Football clubs faults that the biggest sponsorships going are gambling/alcohol companies!
Who are these companies key demographics? Football fans? so naturally they'll pay more than sofa companies or computer manufacturers to have their company logos emblazoned upon the kits!
Yes i suppose it would be nice to make a social stand and refuse sponsorship from this kind of company, but then you'd have to remove Chang taps from within the ground and the betting kiosk!
Simply put Everton need to grow its revenue streams and this is the key way they can do it. I want Everton to be successful rather than Socially Moral! Sell our souls to buy the trophies i say!
Who are these companies key demographics? Football fans? so naturally they'll pay more than sofa companies or computer manufacturers to have their company logos emblazoned upon the kits!
Yes i suppose it would be nice to make a social stand and refuse sponsorship from this kind of company, but then you'd have to remove Chang taps from within the ground and the betting kiosk!
Simply put Everton need to grow its revenue streams and this is the key way they can do it. I want Everton to be successful rather than Socially Moral! Sell our souls to buy the trophies i say!