Homepage Update: Everton reopen talks with Sam Allardyce

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he defo not my choice of manager for Everton Football Club.

But having gone to Southampton yesterday, I'm fully aware that we are in REAL danger. Seriously under performing players who don't seem to give a hoot.

its not fun to watch our players walking around the pitch, heads down, or pointing the finger at others.

this is NOT the Everton I know or want.

I'm hoping Allardyce comes in, turns our fortunes around and gets the place buzzing again, by any means necessary .

i'll take scrappy 1 nil's all day long.

I cant stand watching anymore 1-4 defeats, and our caretaker Evertonian manager being thrown under the bus.

if its Sam, lets just get behind him, for the sake of the Football club.

the next few months are going to be totally pivitol in the clubs history.


It's not true

Sky's story is no details only because the betting went that way .

Don't hang your hope on allardyce coming just yet.

(I wouldn't say no to him)

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