Player Valuation: £50m
Welcome cornetIf Juve pays the reported fee of 24m, it would mean about an extra 16m profit to Everton in terms of P&S/FFP this year
Welcome cornetIf Juve pays the reported fee of 24m, it would mean about an extra 16m profit to Everton in terms of P&S/FFP this year
None of it is true. It's a bad translation of a tweet from Pedulla, who actually only says the idea of a swap with Paredes was floated back in May, and he refers to his old tweet saying Juve have bought Kean for 37M€- he takes as a given that Juve will have to pay up.
In terms of the price he quotes, it's semi-correct as it's from Juve's press release. 35M€ to Everton (28+3+4) + 3M€ appearence fees, but he's counting an extra 2M€ or so that Juve paid (or will pay) for image rights. So the 37M€ fee is correct- but Everton are due another 28M€ next summer, unless Juve find a buyer.
We scored 4... Does that mean we have to wait 4 weeks?No new signings this week as we scored a goal
Was just about to write something similar!
So many fans getting carried away on twitter about this, no one has even bothered to actually read the tweet from the Italian journo. It’s the stupid amount of Everton ‘fan news’ accounts who retweet stuff without even checking the tweet in question
It says nothing of the sort!
Drives me bonkers. Anyway rant over.
Due diligence people, little bit of due diligence saves you the heart ache of disappointment.
Plus unfollow the stupid amount of Everton ‘news’ accounts because all they do is retweet what you’ve probably already read yourself on twitter!
If their not buying him now why haven't we got him back
Glad it’s not just me! I could internally combust every time these stupid accounts retweet unsubstantiated ‘news’Drives me insane.
Working on something that'll stop the daft aggregator lazy accounts from clogging up the forum.
Because he's on loan
I thought it ended last seasonBecause he's on loan