Sissoko? Well swerved that one. Spurs will wake up in the morning with a hangover and realise they've spent £30M on what? 

23mEuro bid for the Italian was confirmed by his agent, a 15m euro bid for Witsel was confirmed by his manager, and the bid for Perez which Arsenal beat us to. We clearly have bid for players, and tried to spend money.Sissioko was 6m a year.. And there was no official confirmation of any of the other bids just media rumour
Liverpool just gave a £16million pound striker a free transfer. Tell me which was worse. We just missed a simular situation I think. He'd of been an expensive mill stone. Poison in the back room.My phone is pinging away after message, after message from my RS mate, can't bare to answer him.
Lol at our 'biggest' transfer is some clown from Crystal Palace, while we are bullied into selling England's future captain to City and remain paying Niasse 50k a week as we couldn't even give him away.
Sack the board.
Gee, what a fabulous new era.
He has recently said, a 2 year project he knew it was going to be hard to get top players in, let's hope come January we are sitting in the top 8, then players will see what we are all about and there will be plenty of players getting frustrated at top clubs and then we have a better chance getting them in. But it's a must we act early no more deadline bidding wars, let the likes of Spurs and Skoke fight it out.