Kante is finished you absolute weapons. What is this 2016... his legs have gone and he’s an energy player who harries opposition teams.
I don't know much about his injuries so I can't really comment on whether his legs have gone or not.
But what I can say is that since Jorginho arrived, successive managers have played him in Kante's best position, with Kante being played further forward where he is nowhere near as effective. He's basically been sacrificed for the system of play preferred by the manager, including Frank Lampard it would seem, although it's possible it's been his injuries this season that have forced this on Frank.
But Kante has been the best player in the world in that role of defensive holding midfielder for about 5 years now. He is still only 29. His injuries this season are not, in my opinion, valid proof that his legs have gone, as you say. But there is a risk that his injuries mean that he is not the same player he was 18 months ago.
This should be reflected in his price, and if there is a chance that we can get him to come to Everton, then we should take it if the price is right because even an under par Kante could still easily be the best defensive midfielder in the country.
I do think this is somewhat moot given that, despite his legs being gone, there will still be a multitude of clubs more attractive than Everton in the market for him.