Trying to work out which part your amazed at.
My age or my score prediction?
Ok. 0-0 then.
Nothing to do with your age
@Jamo Martinez young fella, it's what Everton have done to you. I still predict a, narrow and nervy, win though.
Many of our more, ahem, senior posters such as myself will remember all too well of how Forest have done us over on a consistent basis for way too long now. Time to put a stop to all that nonsense, Too wearisome.
Long before Clough and Taylor, back in the days before a No2 was even heard of and the world was still in black and white,, they regularly did us. Joe Baker started the rot. Then it was Ian Storey-Moore, Then anyone else who played for them actually.
Two players notably who used to terrorise our defence, and nobody else's, were wingers named Richard le Flem and Chris Crowe. Mind you, with names like theirs it was little wonder they were our 'bogey team'.
So come Saturday, I say, "sod 'em", and gain revenge for decades of misery and smash these lumberjacks.