Bournemouth are hardly a real side and our king has returned. They should also only have one win if the rules were actually applied to them as they are others. It’s time.Where's the positivity coming from this the most positive ive ever seen us about a derby in all my time on here. We haven't a win yet this season 5 games in they just beat a side 9 nill.
We are dead weird.
You somfabiiidge.Bournemouth are hardly a real side and our king has returned. They should also only have one win if the rules were actually applied to them as they are others. It’s time.
Positive vibes mr death. It’s also one of the few matches a year where I actually drink before and during the game because I have to. Tomorrows version starts at 5:30am. Gonna be quite a day I think. Cheers in advanceYou somfabiiidge.
I'm in.
Me too. And that should be the first warning things won’t go as planned lol but we need to have a positive attitudeI have a good feeling about today.
Our commentators are generally good, but Spanish is rarely a bad way to go for footy coverage. Helps if you have some idea what they're saying.Match isn't on Peacock for whatever reason. Can't get it on the NBC Sports app, don't have access to USA network. My dad's Hulu account won't let me watch live tv. My cousin's cable sign-in to the rescue...
I can watch it on Telemundo, in Spanish.
¡Vamos, azules!