(apologies I stuck this in the wrong thread doh!!)
To all those Blues that are fearful, to all those Blues that are worried because some Evertonians are feeling confident, read the piece below.
We've not had a better chance to give our neighbours the most fearful beating in years. Sunday won't wipe away the pain of yesteryear's defeats and injustices but it may just be the confirmation of the establishment of a new order.
We have a team that is developing rapidly, full of some of the most exciting young talent in the Premier League. We have a young, forward looking manager, and crucially we have the full support of our supporters for the team at least. We've retained our best prospects against the odds, we've added well given our financial constraints, we're as strong now as we have been at anytime in the last 23 years of the Premier League.
Contrast that with what is happening across the Park, one team is in the ascendancy the other firmly entrenched in the denial stage of long term decline despite the resources available to them.
Read, believe and celebrate on Sunday!
Everton 2 (Deulofeu '23, Mignolet og 91) Liverpool 0