We were/are BIGGER than City in pretty much everything but investment (which obviously brings the team). So if we, by some miracle had similar investment (and time to build the team) whats to stop us from joining (again) the big 6/7/8?
Dare to dream, otherwise there really is no point in supporting one of the 14, unless you are happy with just being a team for the big 6 to play and for them to cherry pick our best players and not allowed to spend more than they want is to.
To be fair, we invested quite a bit of money in players since Moshiri came in, but the money was spent poorly. The main investment we should have made, and didn't, was to bring in a top no-nonsense manager and let him "do the business" and set a solid foundation throughout the club.
Anyway, I'm confident that we will not win the Premier League (in whatever form it takes) this century, if ever.