At £8 mill he was worth a punt. If we can get half that back we will do well. Should be a good buy for a promoted team, his experience would help bed players into the premier league.
Apparently Delph was on his way to Leeds Utd for £6m, but then Everton pulled out of the deal when Leeds started to demand more.
Well, if they want to pay us a pittance and then claw it back in wages, that makes sense. He only costs an additional 8 million pounds over the life of the deal, so it's not a big savings.
At £8 mill he was worth a punt. If we can get half that back we will do well. Should be a good buy for a promoted team, his experience would help bed players into the premier league.
If they signed me and you they'd still have to move him on.He’ll be moved on to make way for a better midfielder I reckon.
At £8 mill he was worth a punt. If we can get half that back we will do well. Should be a good buy for a promoted team, his experience would help bed players into the premier league.
True, but a lie is not a lie until it is retold.We were supposedly getting him for his "experience" and "veteran leadership" and all he did was piss and moan and get into Internet fights.
We were supposedly getting him for his "experience" and "veteran leadership" and all he did was piss and moan and get into Internet fights.