Well, firstly, you didn't answer of the questions, and secondly, I don't know why you're getting so arsy.
To be fair, I don't think I answered your question, so I'll step back in time and do that now :-
The club won't be facing litigation, if it happens, that would be a personal thing between Lukaku and Moshiri.
As for making a decision, well, I'd rather Moshiri hadn't said what he did, even if it was true, I think it was unprofessional to say it, but I'd still follow the club.
Your question implies that the fanbase should do something to try and oust Moshiri. Assuming that's what you meant, then you're fully entitled to hold that view, and you're also fully entitled to try and sway people towards your view, whether that be on here or at the ground or anything else, and I don't have a problem with you, or anybody else, demonstrating or whatever towards that end.
However, certainly at this moment in time, I won't be with you on that. Moshiri's by no means perfect, but I think he's a damned sight better than any realistic alternatives. But, if you've got any realistic alternatives to offer, then I'm all ears, but I think you're just blustering for blustering's sake.
Anyway, back to my questions. I asked you those on the assumption that you want Moshiri out, and the premise of the question, which perhaps I didn't fully explain, was that, if you want the fanvase to revolt in some way in an attempt to force Moshiri out,and you fail, then will you still follow the club ? I think the question is a fair one, because it's just taking your question, which is essentially "Will you follow the club with Moshiri in charge, or are you going to do something about it", and turning it on it's head and asking "Will you follow the club with Moshiri in charge if you fail to oust him ?"
So, what's your answer ?