Significantly what this does is group our shareholding.
For many years we had a diverse split ownership that at times was divisive with Bill and Woods etc, holding a controlling stake, the balance of power and running the boardroom.
We now and likely in the future will have one owner with a controlling interest.
Bill remains Chairman at Moshirsi discretion, so practically still has a significant influence or as much as he had, but his shareholding can be seen as a hobby and superficial, equally minor shareholders.
Its going to cost someone a lot of money to get a controlling share in Everton, presuming he doesn't run us into the ground and through divisions.
This changed earlier in the year in terms of controlling stake, he has just increased his position today and cleaned up shareholding and increased his stake and exposure.
I thought it was interesting that Lord Granchester, said he was doing this because it was in the best long term interests of the club as his motivation, thats a very different tune to a previously held one in which he limited his participation and investment in the club when Bill had the controlling interest.
Its significant that he has released his shares now and given Moshiri his seal of approval, he has historically been reluctant to this, to the point of holding his shareholding for decades for what he felt was to the benift of the club.