out of interest, from our games over the last two months, how many points should we have taken if we were heading for another tenth place finish? Losing to West Ham from a set piece is no disgrace, nor city or Liverpool. Wathord we were winning with 10 minutes to go before the roof fell in, and Brentford was just a poxy goal from nowhere. We had two good draws at OT and against Conte's spurs. Maybe we should have been expecting draws at Wolves and Brentford, plus losing the last ten minutes against Watford. But we've had the injury list from hell. And I was expecting to lose to Conte and OT, so on that score we are down 3 points over that period. And currently sit 3 points off tenth, which is where we finished with a 60m spend last season. So how about we don't sack Benitez and issue another £25m pay off only to appoint Frank offing Lampard. How about we pause, calm down and see where we are by the end of January once he's had a few games with a full squad.