Fellaini Video

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Ok we know where he lives and what number and he kisses men, im on my way MOU MOU, im on my way.

OMG those 2 little rats at the end sit near to me at GP, they piss me off!!!!
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Any translators?

I'll give it a try...

Abdellatif, his father: I'll follow him wherever he goes, to eternity. (Apparently from an interview one year ago)
next: one year later... :lol:b)

this isn't eternity, but it's a good beginning?
its the start of eternity. the move to Everton is fantastic. It's the biggest transfer fee ever for a Belgian player.
i come to visit him for 2,3 days a week. each time we see each other, he seems to be playing better.
hello marouane, how are you (ça va en français).
what a great view! you prefer the view of the the Maas (Belgian river, passes through Liège) or rather the Mersey?
It's different, you've got a view over the sea...
I miss everyone, all my family. I miss having fun with my parents & brothers. My mother used to cook for me, now i have to go to a restaurant. But that's life, it's a new step in my life. It makes me smarter, more mature. That's how you become a man (like he isn't already).

after photos with fans:
to learn english you have to go out on the street, talk to people, colleagues, ... you learn it fast this way.
interviewer voice:
however, for now it's still communicating through gestures (sign language)
... :p
Mansour (brother):
the fans here really live football, it's amazing.
in 1970 it was fashionable, he's seen pictures of me when I was young. I had the same haircut when I played football.
we're each other's mirror image, it's fun.
some fans are wearing wigs, i don't know why... If they like it... Perhaps it's against the cold
do you like the beatles?
I don't really know them, only by name... I know they're from Liverpool and that they had a special haircut (look who's talking), but i don't know their music.
(yesterday, sung very poorly)
you really like them, do you? I'm gonna make history by not knowing them! (time to stop listening R&B then)

there you go, probably rather dull, forgive me ;)
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YouTube - Gouden Schoen: Marouane Fellaini

Any translators?

Love the Nev bit "When you tell him something good, he understands. When you tell him something bad, he pretends he doesnt understand"

Moyes: "We always say, get your hair cut. The more we say it, the more he grows it"

Haha. The guy is an absolute legend.

Ok we know where he lives and what number and he kisses men, im on my way MOU MOU, im on my way.

OMG those 2 little rats at the end sit near to me at GP, they piss me off!!!!

Sit near me aswell mate I'm on the front row. That one who carries on singing, everyone hates him fat ****. Tries to sing on his own and just gets KB'd. Used to bend over the friggen barrier right in front of me when someone was attacking and stick his fat arse in me face, wasn't having that haha.

compare that interview to an interview with most other football players, everyone's always mumbling, quiet, waiting for it to end
fellaini has energy! and is a happy bloke! i think he just wakes up in the morning and cracks up while looking in a mirror
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