Football Disillusionment

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The money they charge for season tickets gets me. Seeing a fella with two or three kids and I can't help but wonder how much the afternoon has cost him. I don't know if their whole spare budget goes into watching Everton or is it just an occasional treat. I know we can't give season tickets away but something needs to be done about prices, SKY, wages, the whole lot needs looking at.
My first season ticket cost £22 in 1979. £1 per game. At the time it would cost about the same to go to the cinema.
It's not a complaint from me, it is more realisation that a heroes salary is not going to heroes. My missus is in the NHS and has worked tirelessly for the last year, putting herself and her family on the front line. She contracted Covid in March 2020 from the 1st person officially diagnosed with Covid in her hospital. Did she roll around on the floor holding her face? Did she bollox! (sorry for the language). She toughed it out and went back to work to continue helping to save peoples lives. Was she rewarded handsomely for her bravery? Was she bollox, she was given a weekly public clap and told she was only worth a 1% pay rise. Flip across to football, we have players feigning injury, breaching all social distance guidance, giving substantially less than 100%.......You know what, typing this has made me realise it is actually a complaint! Modern day football is an absolute joke of the highest tier! I totally agree with the OP regarding the current state of the modern game.

Sorry to rant, it just got to me :(
Stop peddling these lies. My wife works for the NHS and she got a bonus payment of £35 last month to say Thanks for their efforts over the last year.

Football had definitely changed. Hopefully some are just temporary. Money rules. Var is a complete joke and typical of the idiots that are in charge of it. They really could not have messed it up any more. Every football match has now become a political platform. ( not taking in anyway from the importance of equality here) but people will become immune to the messages. It's just one point after the other now on sky sports rather than talking about the sport itself. Football was my break away from the insane world. Now the insane world has grabbed it. Still I presume i will walking around the room shouting at the box on sat evening unable to sit down. Hopefully var will be sorted before we are back at goodison.
Stop peddling these lies. My wife works for the NHS and she got a bonus payment of £35 last month to say Thanks for their efforts over the last year.
Haha, she's lucky. My missus and her team were given a small gift basket to say thank you. The note inside said "To show our appreciation, as we all know there won't be a pay rise" :Blink:

The funny thing is, contained in the basket was a number of men's shaving lotions, black shoe polish and a load of costa canned coffee which expired 2 weeks after receiving it! Oh, and some NHS love hearts and LGBT white skittles stating "During pride, only one rainbow matters"....All of the skittles were white. I suspect they were the surplus skittles left over from UKIP's last campaign.....Add insult to injury, she couldn't eat them because she was on a diet :(. I on the other hand was not, and snaffled up all of those potentially racist skittles :celebrate:
Haha, she's lucky. My missus and her team were given a small gift basket to say thank you. The note inside said "To show our appreciation, as we all know there won't be a pay rise" :Blink:

The funny thing is, contained in the basket was a number of men's shaving lotions, black shoe polish and a load of costa canned coffee which expired 2 weeks after receiving it! Oh, and some NHS love hearts and LGBT white skittles stating "During pride, only one rainbow matters"....All of the skittles were white. I suspect they were the surplus skittles left over from UKIP's last campaign.....Add insult to injury, she couldn't eat them because she was on a diet :(. I on the other hand was not, and snaffled up all of those potentially racist skittles :celebrate:
I’ve been supporting Everton for over 60 years, through great times, good times, not so good times and dismal times but I’m now getting really disillusioned with football in general and with Everton in particular. Covid lockdown hasn’t helped and has probably just brought this disillusionment into focus. However, after yesterday’s abysmal performance I sat and thought about the main causes of my discontent and these include some major issues and minor irritations (not necessarily Everton based) but I’m sure everyone can add to this list (including me!).

  • Ridiculous transfer fees: you could build 5-6 primary schools for the cost of one iwobi* (£28M)
  • Obscene levels of wages: You could employ 74 nurses for one Iwobi* annual salary (£2.6m)
  • VAR: where do I start?
  • Feigning injury: the obligatory scream of agony and the holding of the head, thigh, knee, shin, ankle after every hard (and not so hard) tackle. Mainly to disrupt the oppositions progress when you’ve just lost the ball!
  • Throw-Ins: players from both sides holding up their arms and yelling ‘our ball’ every time there’s a throw-in, even when it’s clearly obvious who the ball last touched.
  • Commentator’s terminology: ‘high press’ ‘low block’ ‘high line’ ‘tiki-taka’ ‘false number nine’ ‘box to box player’ ‘playing in the pocket’………..meaningless phrases that make me cringe every time I hear some half-wit commentator and his Stan Laurel side kick trying to appear ‘knowledgeable’.
* = or substitute any other expensive, overpaid, not very talented premier league player.

Of course if we beat Man City next Saturday all will be forgiven until next time!
Is it possible to show love to someone you have never met ? We are kindred souls .I remember like you when men were men on the field ,it was a major part of the game ask Andy Gray and Duncan .
Yes we see most of the best players here but the game is not the same ,the terminology is I am afraid part of the evolution of the language .
My main hate is portrayed on here with all these acronyms and the rest which I cannot recall for assists ,assisting an assist ,tackling and loads of other terms that have been born on Football Manager or some other godforsaken place .All derived from American " football " yard gains running yards or so such etc.

These things are pretty unrelated. I don't think LeBron making less would convince the aholes to fix our healthcare.

But as to the point of the thread a lot of this could be fixed with a little desire to do it. Not the money part unfortunately.
Something is unrelated or it is not .A bit like a girl I once went out with ,she wasn't ugly and she wasn't pretty ,she was pretty ugly .
Another gripe of mine is connected to the wind blowing them over and then they roll about screaming .If there is no contact all over the rest of the pitch then why are they allowed to crawl all over each other in the penalty area ?(
Yes I know it is a hypophora )
It is because the big six started it .
Another gripe of mine is connected to the wind blowing them over and then they roll about screaming .If there is no contact all over the rest of the pitch then why are they allowed to crawl all over each other in the penalty area ?(
Yes I know it is a hypophora )
It is because the big six started it .
Love to see how long they'd last in a game of Rugby Union.

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