"For clubs like Everton, frustration mounts in watching foes spend big"

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A TV Station getting grown men hot and bothered and it aint Playboy TV.

Learn to swerve the Fiction based reality of Television.

Lets face it. Manchester United are Brad Pitt, Liverpool are Johnny Depp, Chelsea are George Clooney and Arsenal are Leo Di Caprio.

Were more are Robert Downey Jr, loveable, rogueish, been on a downer for 20 years and learning how to re-enter the spotlight.
I stopped reading after the word soccer.

Stopped reading at soccer

Well done you two! The next step is to stop telling us that you're doing that. Then you'll really have it nailed!

and perpetuating the myth that the spending of money GUARANTEES a team will finish above Everton, when the last 10 years has basically shown this not to be the case time and time and time again

But that's simply not true I'm afraid.


It doesn't claim that wages are everything or that they guarantee anything -- you are fighting a bit of a straw-man there mate. It simply claims a statistically significant correlation between the two. Since our performance last year apparently ranks as the largest over-achievement I'd wager the last ten years do NOT prove that to be the case time and time again ... since us finishing fifth is hardly turning the Prem on its head.

Let's say you could only place one bet per day but you knew 55% of the time that you placed a bet on a Wednesday you would win that bet. You'd be a millionaire. But you'd also lose ... a lot. You'd probably go on huge losing streaks that lasted months. It wouldn't change the fact that 55% of the time you win ... but it takes a while to play itself out. This is similar -- it's saying wages are a very strong correlation to league success ... but there will always be outliers and over/under performers even if the effect is still real.
They have missed David Luiz going to PSG as well.

Strange that if the Luiz and Lukaku transfers would have both been included then the bottom 3 transfers would all have been dropped off the list - would you believe they all happen to be 3 rs incoming ones, no agenda their ofc like
Admirable attitude squire, but things like this:


and when BTSport did a show on 'Race for the Top 4' in the middle of the season, focusing on the teams 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 6th and 7th (ignoring Everton in 4th at the time) really do show 'an agenda'.

As does the likes of 'Mirror Football' and the tabloid press.

Article today talking about spurs failure vs the big 5 needs to improve if they are to challenge for the CL, strangely last seasons top 4 and .... yup United are the teams they list their records against during that article, pure bs

Everton had a net spend this window.

However we did so based on previous incomings and the new BT money.

Over a three year trend we still have cash in reserve and the net spend was lower and virtually marginal.

However the manager put that scenario in place from last year by not spending in January and negative-net spend last summer.

This means we are not going to be pushed over the edge in cashflow terms. We had a comfortable level of spending on a three year trend.

Money still available too in January if needed.

EFC should not of agreed to match Aston Villa's RIDICULOUS £8million fee for Cleverly.

They are a nonsense club in finances terms.

We are both virtuous and trophyless. Should I cheer or cry?
I think there's plenty to disagree with. Paying someone huge wages is not a guarantee of success, nor any sort of indicator that they're a better player than someone who plays for Everton. The past 10+ years have shown that, season in and season out. A club being financially mismanaged and paying their players far more money than their ability truly deserves does not mean that club has any more intrinsic right to 'achieve' than Everton does.

Again, it all boils down to a skewed media perception. Someone who is massively against the Everton board (I'm not judging!) will of course agree with an article that somewhat patronisingly laments Everton as an also-ran, because that person's main desire is for the current board to leave and be replaced by substantially richer people.

My own response to that would be: we would all like that, but it isn't that simple, and also, I am not convinced that even if we had richer owners that our media perception would change at all.

I think you're misunderstanding what they mean by overachieved. No-one is saying that the monied clubs have a right to titles or league positions they are just saying that since the better players demand more money then to actually beat a team that is paid more is an overachievement relative to what you would expect give their wage bill.

That's the reality of football. Now I accept it's not quite as simple as that. Money isn't everything, some teams have more history and therefore more of a pull for players, some are situated in a nicer climate/City, some have a better manager, Champions League etc

But when saying overachieved they are really just comparing it to the money that is spent.
I think there's plenty to disagree with. Paying someone huge wages is not a guarantee of success, nor any sort of indicator that they're a better player than someone who plays for Everton. The past 10+ years have shown that, season in and season out. A club being financially mismanaged and paying their players far more money than their ability truly deserves does not mean that club has any more intrinsic right to 'achieve' than Everton does.

Again, it all boils down to a skewed media perception. Someone who is massively against the Everton board (I'm not judging!) will of course agree with an article that somewhat patronisingly laments Everton as an also-ran, because that person's main desire is for the current board to leave and be replaced by substantially richer people.

My own response to that would be: we would all like that, but it isn't that simple, and also, I am not convinced that even if we had richer owners that our media perception would change at all.

Of course it would - Look how City's image changed practically over-night.

You see it as a backhanded compliment. Some might simply see it as a compliment - Moyes certainly did. I don't see it as either, just a statement of fact.
I didn't read all of this but...

This is why we're great, this is why we are a big club and all the other medium clubs who call themsleves big are nowhere.

Newcastle...whatever, a flash in the pan for how many million pounds...?
Blackburn did the same, with the same striker, and now they're a steaming pile.

Villa, Stoke, Sunderland etc (running out of names for top division mainstays...) millions thrown at it and they are never consistently above us.

How much did QPR throw at it last time...relegated.

Fulham have new owners from Kuwait...relegated, just shelled out almost half the Lukaku fee on Leeds' McCormack, then signed Leeds' captain for £3-4m...in division 2. Ambition.

We're not the type to throw money about but you can be damned sure we'll be above almost all of these teams over any given 5 year period because were a f____g big club. I love that they thrown money about and got nowhere. Rome in a day and all that.

Agree with most of what you said. It's not just money that makes us a big club as Jim as pointed out. There are traditions, history, fanbase etc all which add to how succesful a club is. Money helps, but it isnt the be and end all to what makes a succesful football club.

I understand people revelling in the club's relative success against the odds, but I can't help but be depressed by the fact I'll probably never see Everton win the league.
I understand people revelling in the club's relative success against the odds, but I can't help but be depressed by the fact I'll probably never see Everton win the league.

Don't be that Way, Carlito. The dream don't come no closer by itself. We gotta run after it now.
I understand people revelling in the club's relative success against the odds, but I can't help but be depressed by the fact I'll probably never see Everton win the league.
Not this season at any rate carlito but the project is advancing incrementally, next will be phase 2 the defence. Maybe when the young uns come of age

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