Wrong criteria for this one sorry. The metrics for him are:There's a clear metric to determine a superfan during this season how many times have you pissed your pants when we lost fearing that indicated inevitable relegation? if it's less then ten times sorry you're not true fan material. Bonus points for hostile meandering tirades against managers and other fans
- the number of half and half scarves he's bought,
- the number of accidents that were in no way related to the RS where he's posted YNWA on Twitter,
- the amount of days spent mingling pre-match around Analfield, without a ticket, before going to the pub,
- the number of RS games he's been to - and by that I meant went the pub or sat in his crusty undercrackers
- the number of times last night his elderly mouther shouted up the stairs, "Your Thomas The Tank spaghetti hoops are ready!"