Bill, I didn't miss any point, I've heard all of these arguments so many times before I could trot them out for you, verbatim. They're tired at the best of times, but nauseatingly so when there's another six innocents laid out on a slab. I'm really not interested in hearing any more of your "guns don't kill people, people kill people" rhetoric.
However, if you insist that the ease of access to guns that you 'enjoy' in the US isn't a contributing factor to the obscene amount of gun deaths you incur every year, I'll - for arguments sake - give that point of view a modicum of credibility, just this once (a modicum more than it deserves, mind).
So, if that's the case, then what else is it within American society that means that murder - and this peculiarly American type of mass murder ("He just seemed so 'normal'") - are so common place?
Oh, and was calling me a 'liberal' supposed to be an insult? You're a proper Texan, aren't you Bill?