Welton Toffee
Player Valuation: £40m
Guns are for bad men.
sorry to nit pick TX, would you then confine firearms to the insides of houses and 'game' (deer, pheasant, rabbit) shooting areas only, and then implement penalties for individuals found with a gun in their car, on the street, in a school, in a park, in a restaurant.
whats the deal with assault rifles? what enemy in your home could excuse the use of an M16 assaut rifle? as for deer (venison) killed with an M16 assault rifle i couldnt tell you how it tasted.
whats the death toll on americas roads? and how many of the killers behind the wheel were drunk or on drugs?
it only takes a second to make a bad decision, once the trigger is pulled there is no way back, no reincarnation.
the self defence line is one i personally baulk at, its preying on peoples fears, is there a statistic on how many pensioners/elderly own/buyhave guns and what that area of society contribute toward the gun statistics.
i mean, if vera and ed dont have the eye sight to be able to drive, do they still get to wield firearms with intent?
oh dear
oh dear oh dear.
i'll tackle the guy being burglarized first, so he fired a few shots? where? and what if the burglar had also been armed with a legally acquired gun and decided to return fire?
shoot out at the o k coral.
second issue, baseball bats, efficient killing machines are they, hide one in your pocket or on an ankle holder. I wonder how long it would take to batter 6 people to death with a baseball bat, and what the last five would be doing whilst you beat the first person to death.
come on man, to compare a sports bat with a firearm is i have to say a little silly, and then to take that silliness and fabricate a potential line of thought regarding bats in society is disingenuous and i find somewhat condescending.
You see, I can see Bill's point of view there. He's a victim of the system by needing/wanting a gun to protect his family.
I would happily endorse Grenade Launchers if it meant protecting your family.
Its like the wild wild west.
As did I with your original post.
You post with comments like that, please be prepared next time instead of giving me the old "guns kill people" routine.
oh dear
oh dear oh dear.
i'll tackle the guy being burglarized first, so he fired a few shots? where? and what if the burglar had also been armed with a legally acquired gun and decided to return fire?
shoot out at the o k coral.
second issue, baseball bats, efficient killing machines are they, hide one in your pocket or on an ankle holder. I wonder how long it would take to batter 6 people to death with a baseball bat, and what the last five would be doing whilst you beat the first person to death.
come on man, to compare a sports bat with a firearm is i have to say a little silly, and then to take that silliness and fabricate a potential line of thought regarding bats in society is disingenuous and i find somewhat condescending.
i can see the point also, but it is somewhat over the top, what are the laws regarding dogs in america? specifically the manic insane breeds that tear childrens throats out?
perhaps instead of harbouring a climate of fear:- "own a gun or your families not safe", try to prevent the need to protect your family by addressing the social problems that are the causes of criminality.
Hyperbole at it's best.
You really think that we have running gun battles over here on daily basis. Take a page from Chico's book and don't believe everything you see in the media, especially in the US media as they're always pushing an agenda.
Take guns away and the problem goes away, or so says the left. I'll stop with the "silliness" of baseball bats when those on the left stop with the "silliness" of gun control and the myth that gun control will create a safer society.
You're typical of the left in your initial post in this thread. You take an isolated incident, portray it as something that happens daily, and then try to make arguments to support your theories based on that random act of violence vs. what really happens in daily living.
Hell, if we really want to go there, the next time a plane crashes, I'll post a link with an accompanying quote saying that you should never fly in a plane cause planes can crash. One random event doesn't an epidemic make.