This argument is still being used?
Picture the sprawling mass that is Liverpool City, all it's streets, houses, businesses, parks etc, all those people... hordes of people, catching trains, driving, walking, cycling etc, got it?
Well, now try to picture 4 Liverpools next to each other, the shear scale of them taking up the horizon, but with no-one in them...
Every street empty, no-one in cars, all buildngs, buses, trains, boats, everything completely empty, because they are all dead... In all 4 cities, everyone dead.
That's the Covid death toll in less than 2 years.. OVER 4 x the population of Liverpool.
This thing has bought the world to it's knees.
Over 4m dead, 185 milion cases, Global lockdown, economic disaster, this is literally nothing like the flu on any level.
But imagine the scale of the devastation had the world not reacted so extremely. Those figures would have risen exponentially.
As for lockdown, look how close we came:
View attachment 132780
I mean really look at it, I may be wrong, but for a moment the downward trend seems so impressive that I genuinely believe that if the country had been fully vaccinated in April, and we locked down for another few weeks, the virus may well have dissapeared altogether in the UK, I really feel we were that close... But we lifted lockdown as we knew it, and you can see how that went, if you now introduce mass meetings like fesitvals or football games to the figures, guess what happens next...
Indefinite lockdown? of course not, maybe just a few weeks after the vaccination rollout has finished, give the country a chance to fight back.
Enough time with people not mingling, to kill off the Covid virus, with those front line staff unfortuante enough to come into contact with it having a safety net of the vaccine on top. Instead we are going the wrong way imo, and so is that chart above.
Maybe I should just jump on the 'screw the old and the weak' bus, lets party instead, I just can't bring myself to do it. I prefer my relatives alive where possible.
Finally, people saying 'If you don't want to go, don't go, it's simple', that just isn't the case is it?
That only works if you don't contact one of the thousands that went to the event, or in fact one of the people they were in contact with in the following two weeks... or one of the people they were in conctact with in the following two weeks, or .... well you get the point. I am sure you understand how Covid spreads by now.
Abstaining from going to a mass meeting doesn't in any way mean you are not going to get Covid from one and I don't want to pick it up and affect my friends or family in the two weeks before I find out I have it.