The vast majority of the people swamping hospitals are and will be unvaccinated.
I'm not English, but what is happening in England is a real-time experiment. "Freedom day" is Trumpism at its finest. The only "freedom" that should apply right now is for people who are vaccinated - and even they need to show a little solidarity with others waiting who sacrificed for them over the last 18 months. The rest of us need to bide our time for another few weeks. I sympathise with young people - they are less likely to die from this thing or even get a severe dose. But long Covid is a thing and going to a football match with 40,000 others wouldn't be top of my agenda until double vaxxed. As for nightclubs, well, I can't understand why anybody would be comfortable going there right now, vaccinated or not, unless there was a strict door policy of vaccinated people only.