This NHS doctor in Yorkshire does
But COVID is over isn't it? Apart from the NHS once again trying to amass enough PPE to meet the surge.
This NHS doctor in Yorkshire does
This NHS doctor in Yorkshire does
Anyway, that is the average so people will die at 30, 40 or whatever. Have a sister in law who is a nurse in Madrid of all places and the horror stories I hear fro mer are awful and relate to young otherwise healthy people. I for one will try to avoid it as far as possibleYou are right about the average age being 82/83.
If this government had not let Covid rip through ( you guessed it Old Peoples homes ) while the rest of the country was under strict lockdown it would be a very different figure.
They made a mess of it for sure but I wouldn't call it a very different figure.You are right about the average age being 82/83.
If this government had not let Covid rip through ( you guessed it Old Peoples homes ) while the rest of the country was under strict lockdown it would be a very different figure.
This NHS doctor in Yorkshire does
Horror stories everywhere mate.Anyway, that is the average so people will die at 30, 40 or whatever. Have a sister in law who is a nurse in Madrid of all places and the horror stories I hear fro mer are awful and relate to young otherwise healthy people. I for one will try to avoid it as far as possible
I’ve followed him for a while and he seems pretty legit but can understand the reticence about non-verified accounts,I find it best not to rely upon first hand accounts as the best guage of the situation. Compelling as they may sound. Much better to look at the stats for deaths and hospitalisations. I take your point though that they may help fill up the wards whilst not themselves being in a life threatening situation. I'd want to see stats though to take it as more than anecdotal.
it's not that I doubt he's legit, just whether his experience is replicated nationwideI’ve followed him for a while and he seems pretty legit but can understand the reticence about non-verified accounts,
However Leeds Teaching hospital was cancelling surgeries just last week due to high numbers of Covid cases
Cancer surgeries cancelled at one of England’s largest hospitals as NHS summer crisis deepens
Exclusive: Senior doctors warn of rising Covid admissions and A&E department overwhelmed at Leeds Teaching Hospitals
Younger, unvaccinated patients making up significant percentage of those ending up in the ICU is sadly getting oretty common here in the US
Delta Is Driving a Wedge Through Missouri
For America as a whole, the pandemic might be fading. For some communities, this year will be worse than
I did see some breakdown about vaccinated/unvaccinated and age ranges of those hospitalized in UK recently, will try to dig it's not that I doubt he's legit, just whether his experience is replicated nationwide
Bit out of date but this was the data I was thinking aboutI did see some breakdown about vaccinated/unvaccinated and age ranges of those hospitalized in UK recently, will try to dig it out.
If not now, when?1,000 scientists back a letter to the UK Government published in thei Lancet urging them to turn back from what they label a dangerous and unethical experiment with people's lives.
Dont sacrifice yourself or your people on an alter set up by a bunch of murderers who dont care if you live or die.
Let me answer that question: not until every person - adult and child - are vaccinated...and even then there should be no return to the old normal in the sense we're facing in the next few days.If not now, when?
The numbers of cases will always increase when people mix. We can't all isolate from each other forever.
You want 100% vaccination? Never going to happen. We can just all isolate from each other forever then???Let me answer that question: not until every person - adult and child - are vaccinated...and even then there should be no return to the old normal in the sense we're facing in the next few days.
Stop parroting the BS propaganda of a cult in the Tory Party who'd rather see dead bodies "piled up in their thousands rather than do the right thing and supress this virus and its new variant.