For years at my mum’s house there has been some form of paranormal activity but nothing too serious to make anyone scared, well until recently. Just odd sounds or weird smells that come momentarily and then vanish as quickly. But last year due to the pandemic my older brother moved in with my ma and somehow managed to infuriate whatever energy has been residing at her house. For months he and my ma were harassed by this entity. Really scary and weird things happened at her house the past few months, things that I had only witnessed in scary films. For months my ma and brother dealt with this ghost, trying figure out how to expel it from the house but it was challenging dealing with this situation without people thinking they were crazy. Discussing this subject and finding solutions is so complex. Is not like one can go to the police and make a report. My brother finally found a local shaman willing to help them get rid of this awe-inducing presence of the spectral world that had made a mess out of my mum’s and brother’s human world. After several cleansing and after my brother moved out of my mum’s house, the energy has finally slowed down. Still is there but at least it is not aggressively bothering my mum like it was doing a few months ago. Unfortunately its presence is enough to push my mom to sell her house which makes me so sad because I love her home but this energy is having very bad effects on my mum’s nerves and her mental health so while I dislike the thought of her house being sold, I dislike more the thought of my ma living in fear at her own house so hopefully it will sell soon so we can close this weird chapter of our lives. The house will not be listed for sale again until my mum comes back from Europe, she is going to Belgium next month to visit my brother. While she is gone I’m going have to keep an eye on her cat so I will be having to go to her house at times on my own and tbh I’m feeling a bit nervous about encountering whatever is there.
What are your thoughts on the afterlife? Has anyone has had any weird experiences with ghosts, or dealt with paranormal activities? Tell me your ghost stories and if you have been successful getting rid of them. Do you have any tips or tricks when dealing with ghost?