Strength training will necessitate that you need better technique, so bare that in mind or you could get injured. Happy to point you in the right direction if you PM me.
For bodybuilding purposes I think it's a decent strategy to mix strength training for a period with volume training for a different period. Typically that's what my brother does, and where my training partner used to get most of his success. He's train in with me when going through a strength phase, and then bugger off and do his bodybuilding nonsense for a few months.
The training verses working out thing is a state of mind really. When I used to train some rugby lads I would start off by saying I'd not ask them to do anything I wouldn't' put my self through, and then finish off by saying immediately after that I'd not ask them to do anything I would actually do. They'd usually laugh. by the end of the first week I'd always have a reply and be told they didn't know what training was before I got my hands on them.
It's mainly about pushing limits, your body will lie to you quite often when in reality you can continue to push. That's what I mean by training is different to working out. Typically people who prefer working out, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that by the way, don't want to push themselves to a more extreme extent.