NXT isn't mainstream though, it isn't gonna bring back casual fans...put Gargano or Adam Cole standing next to Lesnar or the Undertaker and try sell that fight to the casual fans for Wrestlemania...
You can do it with the right time and effort put into the wrestler. It worked for Bryan.
If you just throw them out there with no build up or development then of course it wont work.
So you reckon Bryan was a mainstream draw?.... Seemed to me he wasn't, just hugely popular with the hardcore fans who were tired of seeing the likes of Bryan & Punk not given opportunities because they were small, and didn't want Reigns forced on them as the new Cena.....and if Bryan was so over, he wouldn't have been a heel less than a year after returning?...
I don't think anybody is a mainstream draw currently. Hasn't been one for many years.
Every Wednesday, starting October 2.
Can't wait for this now.
Has anyone watched any of the G1? Far too much to watch, heard Ospreay v Okada was good.
statistically probably charlotte flair