What the last couple of days has highlighted for me is the total lack of understanding and knowledge of FFP and in particular the complete non understanding of the specif City / CAS case by the media. That is both the printed & broadcast media. OK, I'm a City fan. I have been following it since 2014. So whilst far from being any type of expert I at least have a scintilla of what it's all about and what's involved.
You get clowns like Stephen Warnock, Stuart Pearce, Alan Shearer Darren Gough, Dan Roan etc speaking and writing on it and it's 100% obvious within seconds they simply do not have the faintest idea of what they are talking about and the sheep that they are preaching to simply lap it up. Stephen Warnock was a classic when he effectively said live on air at SKY 'City got fined so they obviously did something wrong / broke the law (or words to that effect). Alan Shearer on MOTD day openly saying that City were going to get banned. Same with Stuart Pearce on talkSport. None of them, any of them, didn't have a clue what they were talking about. City were completely exonerated of all charges. They got fined for 'not cooperating'. The reason they stopped cooperating with UEFA was because every time they handed over any information it was leaked to the media within 24 hours. City actually made a formal written complaint about this to UEFA and it's on the record. Hence the lack of willingness to help. They then talk about 'time barrred' offences. The reason they were time barred was because City had already been punished for those said offences in 2014 with a huge fine. As part of the full and final settlement a 5 year time limit was put on any of those offences being reopened after the agreed settlement date. That is pretty standard stuff for such agreements. The latest one is 'FFP is dead in the water'. Why? What has changed with the FFP rules since 9.29am on Monday morning? All of the rules, requirements and restrictions are still very much in place. The charges brought against City were extremely specific of falsely inflating sponsorship revenues. UEFA as is their right threw the book along with the kitchen sink at City and were from all reports were blown out of the water with the defence that they were presented with. Hence being completely exonerated. But still the fake news, ignorance, misrepresentation and outright lies continues.
It really does make you despair at the such low quality of the people in the media who actually make a living from spouting such rubbish. Never mind the people listening and reading to it and taking it all in as gospel.
I don't have or know any answers to this problem but I do know that football as we once new it is gone and it is never coming back. Sad. Very sad indeed.