Give Bernard the chance there.
Still baffles me why Silva decided to make Bernard the fall guy, especially after watching Sigurdsson just stroll around the pitch.
Give Bernard the chance there.
Think he's a bit of a scapegoat. Hes waiting for the cut backs time n time again and instead we bomb them cluelessly in.
I'm assuming he's being told not to drop back where he could make a difference
Is bang out-of-form and should not be playing. Silva should have changed things around after the Villa game.
Maybe 2 up-front, whatever... Silva has less idea than me of his best team. But Gilfi has been stinking the place
out since the start of the season.
Against Burnley you need determination and presence; not an invisible man.
On the whole, Sigurdsson has been a big waste of space. Everyone says what a great player he is but he's invisible in too many games. His face often betrays a man lacking in confidence.
Also, his much-vaunted free kicks and corners aren't as good as they're cracked up to be.
Agree. He was poor. But we actually dont play the ball to his area. Its constant sideways passing. Id have actually dropped him back to play with a holding midfielder in center mid for last number of matches when gomes was out. Morgan snides is iffering nothing but chicken tackles there and sideways passing.
Bernard could be given a go as number 10
I think he scored 1 for us in his first year?He's never scored a freekick for us either
I think he scored 1 for us in his first year?
Disgraceful attitude for a supposed 'playmaker'. Must touch the ball less than any other 10 in Europe! Never drops deep to help out the midfield and rarely even offers a passing option. Is Silva after a severance package or will he drop this utter fraud to try and keep his job?