You Chase Bikes & Bark at The Phone
In the Day you Left All Alone
But One Things For Sure
Yer Mar Knows The Score
She Loves To Bury a Bone
I'd appreciate you not mentioning my mar,
she had an unfortunate date with a car,
I can assure you that she,
Wasn't as promiscuous as me,
I'll hump the leg of your cousin, your aunt or your dar.
There was a young dog called Toby
Who was feeling incredibly lonely
One day he joined GoT
He now posts a lot
And gets bummed on a regular basis
I thought I'd Seen Yer Mar
Gettin' Slammed on The Front of Car
This aint quite a Sonnet
But she was Over The Bonnet
Gettin' Rammed by Stan the former England Star
I totally disregard poetic constraints, and I couldn't think of a rhyme for lonely.I feel it incumbent on me
to say your poem is as bad as can be
There is nothing worse
In a limerick style verse
Not to rhyme lines A and B wiith line E
I think I met your mar too, maybe
But she asked for a very high fee,
So I took a punt
She showed me her ****
But she was too hairy even for me
You think you're the Dogs Nuts
But your pitied by all of the Mutts
The dogs think yer wacky
The Canine Aki
Like Yer Dar you go round Sniffin Butts
Toby or not Toby
That's the dilemma for me
It's quite a head scratcher
I need a 'multi' catcher
*gets on phone to BMG*
So you think yourself Bunk or McNulty?
But I'm not Chico, so please don't insult me,
You might have your doubts,
but I won't rule out
being a multi of Matt Damon's multi.