...not a fancy of mine, but there’s a whisper from folk I listen to for Dissavril in the mares bumper. Only a couple of bookies are pricing it up at the moment, but it’s 8-1 with Paddy Power.
You know I like the fancy priced ones, i’ve thrown a couple of darts at the Foxhunters. I was really keen on Dineur last year, I’m not so keen this year but I think Distime is overpriced at 33-1 with Hills, and i’ve backed Barrakilla @ 25s. Dineur’s trainer, Mickey Bowen, is running Wells de Lune but it’s only a 7 year old and older horses have a much better record. I just hope it’s not too soft for Distime, 33-1 is a big price.
The Aintree Hurdle has cut up with the defection of the odds-on favourite and Supersundae looks a good thing for Jessica Harrington. One that stood out for me when the prices came out was Diakali. I backed it at 56-1, but then the trainer said he’d probably go for the handicap hurdle on Friday. I think he must have had a change of mind because of the withdrawals. I hope it runs into a place, so I backed it again today @ 33s. It is getting backed but it might be safer to make sure it is running before having a bet.