so cover it up for one week a month then throw the bloody condom away, TAADAA
Its the smell, the mixture of condoms and blood, not to mention the noises and the God damn mess.
Its like a crime scene FFSz.
so cover it up for one week a month then throw the bloody condom away, TAADAA
Oh God no.
I've had my hand in a girl's pants about to slip the finger when she's gone 'by the way, I'm on my period' and laughed.
It wasn't funny.
All this talk of periodical stuff brought back a memory from ca. 20 years ago.
Met two girls when I was on vacation and got the number from one of them (Sarah). Then a few weeks later i got tickets to the opening night of a new show and called to ask if they wanted to go - they did and afterwards we went to a bar with some of the staff. These girls were araound 19 and well impressed, and even more when we were asked to a private party with some of the staff (whom I knew).
Both wanted to get in the limo that I got in, but as we all went in 3 or 4 cars at the same time, and some were crowded, I ended up with the girl I fancied the least. I think she might have had an idea about her being in second spot, because she was not holding anything back, and I started banging her in the back seat. The driver wasn't too happy about that and let us off in a park close to our destination. While I was about to finish the job (and still in her) a guy walking his dog comes between the bushes with a flashlight and starts complaining about the situation... So we pull up our pants and go to the party, arriving fashionable late. Sarah comes over to me and wants a chat: she "knows" I've been messing with her friend (but obviously belives that means kissing in a limo), but is willing to forgive... We go to some sort of storage room an sit on the floor to talk about it. I don't have a lot to say (and I'm a bit drunk too), so I just offer my apologies and state that she's the one I'm really attracted to, but I'd thought she didn't want me and settled for second best. We kissed a bit, and she the gave me some head, which was good, but awkward as I was in her friend less than 30 min ago. This time I was able to finnish the act, but chose to get straight in a cab, as I didn't fancy facing both of them together. Never heard from either of them, surprisingly...
There's another thread in itself! Who's ever done it whilst the bird was on her period? I've never done it but one night I did get so drunk and said to my gf at the time '**** it lets do it anyway' but she was like ew no and I was like ffs but promptly fell asleep.
Does your dick look weird?
Is right Dortmund.
Why does it have a crack in it?I took a picture of my actual cock and photoshopped onto the shirt.
My cock IS weird.
Why does it have a crack in it?
Was once knocking a bird over, who had slept with over 150 blokes.....and 10 women !!!!
No NiKs has a crack on it on the Dortmund shirt. I wasn't talking about the mouth of the beast.yours doesn't produce semen?
No NiKs has a crack on it on the Dortmund shirt. I wasn't talking about the mouth of the beast.
No NiKs has a crack on it on the Dortmund shirt. I wasn't talking about the mouth of the beast.
Oh God no.
I've had my hand in a girl's pants about to slip the finger when she's gone 'by the way, I'm on my period' and laughed.
It wasn't funny.