If we were going to put up a 2nd statue at GP - which would you choose and why?

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BOTH !!!

Met Alex 2 years ago , with Butler at Merseyside . Made a PROPER fuss of me cause he couldnt believe Id seen him , an' knew LOADS about him . ( I look younger than my years ...)

Awesome . The adulation from the Arl One's was something to behold , tbh ,..

Both me and him were Gobsmacked .

Way before my time to be honest, but like you said, it's the way he is spoken of.
The lads i go the game with are all a fair bit older than me and when they talk about him, well they all take turns to speak about their own memories, and they all stop to listen to each other.
When he is brought up in conversation, they all have a smile on their faces and a twinkle in their eye.
It's quite chilling to tell you the truth.
Way before my time to be honest, but like you said, it's the way he is spoken of.
The lads i go the game with are all a fair bit older than me and when they talk about him, well they all take turns to speak about their own memories, and they all stop to listen to each other.
When he is brought up in conversation, they all have a smile on their faces and a twinkle in their eye.
It's quite chilling to tell you the truth.

AWESOME , is the word you seek , my mate .

Ano . I GOT Bally via a similar avenue , lid .
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