As well as unintentional racism
Seems a worthwhile discussion
Seems a worthwhile discussion
Casual racism is still racism. It will get a member banned for a million years here.As well as unintentional racism
Seems a worthwhile discussion
This, and cheese.Let's keep it to football, and pasties.
This, and cheese.
Casual racism is still racism. It will get a member banned for a million years here.
Casual racism is still racism. It will get a member banned for a million years here
Fair points--actual overt racism is terrible, and I believe most Scousers (from what I know of you lot) will have none of that. (as well as many blues who don't live on Mersey)
My intent is to discuss ignorance (unintentional racism) and apathy (casual racism) specific to the gorilla emoji Kean uses. No doubt this will come up again if he stays any time with the club.
I think most blues would understand and agree that making gorilla sounds or waving or throwing bananas at a player is very wrong. But just because he uses a gorilla emoji, or calls himself that or writes "unleash the gorilla" that doesn't mean its ok for others to repeat by writing or saying the same thing.
An example that hopefully most will understand and find agreeable: it's ok for anyone to like Chance's music (and you should, it's good), but just because he profusely uses the word "n*gga" that doesn't make it ok to repeat this word or any other offensive variant of the words negro/niger.
Of course, not everyone will necessarily agree with me. And this forum may not be the appropriate avenue for discussing it. And maybe it's such a small fraction of the supporters it shouldn't matter. I'll certainly defer to the @modz on this and not push it any more.
Bet you they are nice.Some of my best friends are pasties.
Discussion is going well I seeAs well as unintentional racism
Seems a worthwhile discussion
Racist pastiesIs this thread about casual racism or Pasties.I don't want to say the wrong thing you see.