I've just quoted the parts that are actually relevant.
Physically women and men cannot compete, that is correct. They also cannot compete when it comes to skill. If you watch any sport objectively it's blatantly obvious that the male side of any sport is at a higher skill level, largely down to the fact that physical aptitude plays a huge part in it. I've never seen a female footballer come close to the world's best male footballer. Same can be said for Tennis. If you watch any major final you'll see shots being pulled off by men which are absolutely down to their superior skill level, not just the fact that they can serve faster.
Now perhaps you would argue that the reason for that is the historic inequality and pay gap in tennis. But i'd happily wager that in a hundred years from now that even with equal pay women's tennis will not be played at the same skill level as the men's game.
In any other place of employment you would expect a job to be filled directly based on the candidate's ability to perform the role being asked of them. Equality is about making sure that women are paid the same wage and given the same opportunity to progress as men, based on performance. If you pay women the same as men in spite of a noticeable difference in performance then that is clearly not equality.
And yes, there is not equality in the workplace, change 'would' to 'should' in my original post and the point remains the same, that you would expect a woman to be paid the same as a man if she performs to the same standard.