Seamus Colemole
Previously deathbyropeandglass
Seems that nothing will change Drogba has he continued to dive to win free-kicks, Cesc get's booked for suggesting that Drogba dived.
Ref's are pathetic. Surely he must know what Drogba does and he must know why players suggest that he dived.
And I guess Chelsea won't complain though about the first and last goal. One wasn't a free kick and the other was offside. Oh well 2 wrongs obviously mean a right down the Kings Road.
Surely any ref should judge each invidual case on its own merits rather than the reputation and history of the players involved?
We hated it when Ferguson got rough treatment due to his rep and we hate it now that Fellaini gets singled out cause of his rep.
Whether Drogba's is deserved or not it shouldn't make any difference.
And for me a fellow professional saying to the ref that another player was cheating when you actually fouled him should be a yellow card, it shouldn't be accepted.