Confirmed Signing James Rodriguez

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If rumours are true about him taking a massive cut in wages to join us it makes it even better ... shows he wants to come and not take his salary Or higher wages than before like some others ...

If the 135k a week is true its mental that players like Bernard and Walcott are not far off earning that.

Just shows how mad we have been with wages over the years

Aye but my initial point was Brands still seems to go into negotiations with English clubs with the same strategy that he does in Europe however I personally dont think it works that way.

If a European club wants €30 million you often see clubs negotiate and drive that down - whereas when do you see that happen these days in England? You either pay £80 million for Maguire or you dont, likewise £70 million for Zaha, £50 million for Stones, God knows what for Grealish etc.

Im just skeptical that unless we offer a loanee to sweeten the deal as reported that we'll get Watford to lower their asking price certainly not until the windows nearly closed or Doucoure lashes in a transfer request.

English clubs simply dont need to sell players financially and I think when you look at the deals that Brands hasn't gotten over the line Gabriel aside they all seem English based sides/players compared to his successes overseas.

Brands joined June 2018 by the way, he hasn't been here 3 years.

We didn't want to pay 70-80m for Zaha and ain't nobody on here will say we should have, we offered them 52m and they wanted more so we walked away, at that point we should have saved our money but Brands made his only mistake to date and bought Iwobi.

Watford are in big trouble if they don't sell, Cov19 has already made them struggle and the parachute payments wont save them, plus Donkeree wants out, it will get done, on Brands terms.

There is better value outside of England.

We are about to sign Hamez for 14m, Allan for 25m and will probably get Donkeree for 25m, that's 64m for 3 players, less than the price of Zaha and Maquire.

So yes, Brands prefers to spend money overseas rather than pay over the odds for sub-standard players, cos if you think Maquire is worth 80m then good luck to you fam.

We paid 18m for Digne, Ben Chilwell is a good player, but tell me he's worth 3 times Digne?

Its not about getting it done on Watfords terms, Napolis terms, its about getting it done on EVERTONS terms, Donkeree will sign a 4 year contract, you REALLY think an extra week wait matters?

Yeah, yeah Spurs, blah, blah, blah, whatever happens at Spurs will happen, we are planning for the next 4 years, not the next 4 weeks.
Aye but my initial point was Brands still seems to go into negotiations with English clubs with the same strategy that he does in Europe however I personally dont think it works that way.

If a European club wants €30 million you often see clubs negotiate and drive that down - whereas when do you see that happen these days in England? You either pay £80 million for Maguire or you dont, likewise £70 million for Zaha, £50 million for Stones, God knows what for Grealish etc.

Im just skeptical that unless we offer a loanee to sweeten the deal as reported that we'll get Watford to lower their asking price certainly not until the windows nearly closed or Doucoure lashes in a transfer request.

English clubs simply dont need to sell players financially and I think when you look at the deals that Brands hasn't gotten over the line Gabriel aside they all seem English based sides/players compared to his successes overseas.
So whats your point? Seems to be that its not possible to negotiate better deals if dealing with English clubs yet you're slating brands for that despite listing a number of other deals that have all had the same issue? You guys are weird. Lets just enjoy signing Hamez and Allan for a few hours before we all jump back on the Brands is gash train.

Brands joined June 2018 by the way, he hasn't been here 3 years.

We didn't want to pay 70-80m for Zaha and ain't nobody on here will say we should have, we offered them 52m and they wanted more so we walked away, at that point we should have saved our money but Brands made his only mistake to date and bought Iwobi.

Watford are in big trouble if they don't sell, Cov19 has already made them struggle and the parachute payments wont save them, plus Donkeree wants out, it will get done, on Brands terms.

There is better value outside of England.

We are about to sign Hamez for 14m, Allan for 25m and will probably get Donkeree for 25m, that's 64m for 3 players, less than the price of Zaha and Maquire.

So yes, Brands prefers to spend money overseas rather than pay over the odds for sub-standard players, cos if you think Maquire is worth 80m then good luck to you fam.

We paid 18m for Digne, Ben Chilwell is a good player, but tell me he's worth 3 times Digne?

Its not about getting it done on Watfords terms, Napolis terms, its about getting it done on EVERTONS terms, Donkeree will sign a 4 year contract, you REALLY think an extra week wait matters?

Yeah, yeah Spurs, blah, blah, blah, whatever happens at Spurs will happen, we are planning for the next 4 years, not the next 4 weeks.
This is correct. Also if Watford were not in trouble financially now then a year in the Championship with players on premier league wages will put them there. They would also get the best prices for their players now instead of having those players play a year in the championship and possibly lose value. Best for them to sell a couple of their assets now and reinvest some on players that they think will get them promoted as well as keeping them financially viable.
This is correct. Also if Watford were not in trouble financially now then a year in the Championship with players on premier league wages will put them there. They would also get the best prices for their players now instead of having those players play a year in the championship and possibly lose value. Best for them to sell a couple of their assets now and reinvest some on players that they think will get them promoted as well as keeping them financially viable.

They just signed Glenn Murray on loan, but sure, everything is peachy over there.

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