Joorabchain on Talkshyte now. Simon Jordan sounds like he is talking to the bloke who married his first love. Jim GobShyte is being himself
That’s not p1$$ mate!Hearing Hamez say up the toffees makes me tinkle
And owned by 2 Billionaires
Some weird mixture...That’s not p1$$ mate!
Some of them crosses onto richys head, Gol! Gol! Gol! Gol!
Jim white is an awful awful host. He talks utter garbage.Joorabchain on Talkshyte now. Simon Jordan sounds like he is talking to the bloke who married his first love. Jim GobShyte is being himself
Jim white is an awful awful host. He talks utter garbage.
Jordan however I really like! Speaks the truth and says what needs to be said..
So does this mean he will take our pens and free kicks now?
Have we had an influx of Colombian new members mods ??
Anyone else hear Jordan say "those inside football know there were other issues re Koeman leaving", or sommet like that?
Oh, James is sound.
The rs dismissing this as a desperate signing and saying he past his best. Bitter or what