He's a good player currently playing in the worst RSCA team in ages. He's frustrated though, has been playing CB for the best part of the season and he prefers playing CM. Martinez also uses him as a CB btw. I don't think they would let him leave, unless they can keep him for the remainder of the season. The transfer dealings have been a complete mess so far. They've been taken over by a billionaire, problem is he owns another club in the Belgian League, so apparently he can't actually do something for RSCA until the end of the season (when he has sold the other club). So they have no money to spend, the ones who sold-understandably- don't want to put extra money in, and the one who has bought the club isn't allowed to put money in... So they can only loan players atm (with maybe an eventual buy clause in 6 months time), which obviously doesn't work too well if you want talented players since not a lot of clubs want such a deal. The only way they can get some money together (in the short term) is by selling player, but they can't sell the good ones since they can't get replacements in January and nobody wants bad ones.