January 2019 Transfer Window

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I hated every second the man was here don’t get me wrong. But Koeman was a successful prem manager and ex Barca player prior to coming to the club and Walsh oversaw the great Leicester run to prem champs. In Moshiri’s defense on paper those are 2 very solid picks
Koeman had had a very mixed managerial career with a very small amount of success, he was starting to build something at Southampton and twice said he did'nt want to leave, so im not sure why Moshiri did'nt just leave it and move on. Also Walsh did NOT oversee Leicester's title run, this is just a myth. He sat as part of a transfer team made up of himself, a domestic scout, a european scout, and a data/stats guy, he is often credited as the guy who found Vardy, Marhez, Kante, Drinkwater, and it was'nt, it was the domestic scout (don't know his name) but he went to Newcastle in the end. Walsh is a jumped up PE teacher, who over the years seems to have taken a lot of credit for stuff that it's debatable as to whether he has done it or not.
I love this ^^^ I'm being told to stick to the facts by someone who believes Moshiri's impact has been a positive one. We've slipped down the pecking order on the pitch and we're now in a period of cuts as a direct result of his decision making.

THEY are the 'substantive facts'. It's happened on the carpetbagger's watch. But, please, continue your eulogising of this man.
*heavy breathing*
How well the team does on the field and moshiri have NOTHING to do with each other besides moshiri provided the funds to buy and pay them.
Makes no odds to Dave that, Brands is second in line for any spare hate he has left over after he`s done with Moshiri.
I thought it was about neck and neck tbh.

Yes he has more vitriol towards Mosh, but at least he has some raw materials to work with. Moshiri has made plenty of clangers since he's been here to give Dave ammunition. But Brands has barely put a foot wrong in the 6 months he's been here and he's still come up with plenty to moan about. He can be very creative when he wants to be.lol

God knows what he'd be like when Brands does drop one, which he's bound to do eventually.
DaveK has been very critical of Everton for some time and prior to Moshiri, the only time really he has had anything good to say was during RM's first season.

He has been very good at pointing fingers to failings as he perceives them and to be deeply critical of all matters and personnel. But at no time has he ever put forward any ideas or plan for the management to follow to achieve success..

Koeman had had a very mixed managerial career with a very small amount of success, he was starting to build something at Southampton and twice said he did'nt want to leave, so im not sure why Moshiri did'nt just leave it and move on. Also Walsh did NOT oversee Leicester's title run, this is just a myth. He sat as part of a transfer team made up of himself, a domestic scout, a european scout, and a data/stats guy, he is often credited as the guy who found Vardy, Marhez, Kante, Drinkwater, and it was'nt, it was the domestic scout (don't know his name) but he went to Newcastle in the end. Walsh is a jumped up PE teacher, who over the years seems to have taken a lot of credit for stuff that it's debatable as to whether he has done it or not.
Just like Pele (who I think was a very good player but not the best to ever play the game) I think media has the ability to raise a person’s value whether it’s meritted or not
I love this ^^^ I'm being told to stick to the facts by someone who believes Moshiri's impact has been a positive one. We've slipped down the pecking order on the pitch and we're now in a period of cuts as a direct result of his decision making.

THEY are the 'substantive facts'. It's happened on the carpetbagger's watch. But, please, continue your eulogising of this man.

We actually haven’t on the pitch.

When he took over, we’d just had 2 x 11th place finishes thanks to your favourite manager and since then have finished 7th and 8th.

If you are going to state things as “facts” at least be accurate.

Came for transfers got finances instead......did the thread change names?

Its not looking likely that there will be incomings. Silva has a job to do now. Has to get it right and beat these lower table teams or he could be on the hot seat at the end of the season.
I dont have to be a meteorologist to know that it's a lie if someone pisses down the back of my legs and tells me it's raining.

Dont hide behind appeals to your own authority on financial acumen. We have a club CLEARLY hunkering down in terms of spending.
Seems a billionaire owner doesn't mean you can buy without having to sell first,who'd have thunk that.Only EFC could get a faux version.

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