Hes got very good movement, hes picking up some great places on the pitch and he never stops looking for space, hes done alright on the ball when hes got it, but his passing is a bit hit and miss.
Everton, that.
Hes got very good movement, hes picking up some great places on the pitch and he never stops looking for space, hes done alright on the ball when hes got it, but his passing is a bit hit and miss.
@MoutsGoat - some goal, that.
On Brahimi, I like the runs he makes from out to in. Constantly creating space for the left-back and adding an extra body in the box.
All of this is moot, mind, as it'd be pointless signing him if he's at ACON.
I like him and Brahimi though
Yacine Brahimi
Ok, hes just scored a very good goal.