John Textor

I`m not saying Moshiri is blameless, he is the worst thing to have ever happened to this club, joint top with BK getting his grubby mits on it and helping to fly the club in to the ground.

But while Textor is there with exclusivity no one else can buy it and he cant complete because he knows full well he cant because of the Palace shares. So right now Textor is keeping us in this limbo.... not sure how you cant see that.

Do we know he has exclusivity, beyond some bloke unconnected to the club saying so? Have the club announced it? I must've missed it if they have.
Do we know he has exclusivity, beyond some bloke unconnected to the club saying so? Have the club announced it? I must've missed it if they have.

This has been my concern all along
I`m not saying Moshiri is blameless, he is the worst thing to have ever happened to this club, joint top with BK getting his grubby mits on it and helping to fly the club in to the ground.

But while Textor is there with exclusivity no one else can buy it and he cant complete because he knows full well he cant because of the Palace shares. So right now Textor is keeping us in this limbo.... not sure how you cant see that.

and why I have repeated asked "has he sold his Crystal Palace shares yet?"

Because keeping Everton in limbo is precisely what it is doing
When Moshiri took over unless my memory is fading I don't recall any exclusivity period it just seemed to happen overnight.
At that time the word was that we had a couple of Americans looking most likely to take over.
I am just hoping that this saga ends the same way with someone coming in who ever it is who knows how to run the club properly.
My preference is TFG but this state of Limbo is killing the club.
Matt Slater also stated on Twitter, not long after the Friedkin deal was called off that he'd heard of another potential wealthy group who was interested and would reveal their name the following week.
He then backtracked when he didn't reveal them once it never materialised.
He also harps on about the debt with Friedkin and 777, as if Textor is unaware of it and will be absolutely devastated when he gets to learn about it.

Matt Slater knows as much as me and you
I mentioned this as well, he said I've got big news but i cant tell you about it untill next week. That was about a month ago. Now I'm not saying he's wrong about Textor's potential take over, but, its perhaps wise to take what he says with a pinch of salt. For what it's worth, I don't think Textor will buy us either, probably just as well, we have had one lunatic owner for the past eight years, we could do without another one.

Greg O'Keefe is a turd of an individual. I was calling him out over the client journalism for the likes of Denise Barrett-Baxendale well before "headlock gate". Well documented

Greg O'Keefe was passing information to the club trying to spoil the AllTogetherNow protest activities. Why EFC press releases and "Moshiri statements" and letters (written by the club) appeared just before protests etc. When AllTogetherNow stopped giving Greg O'Keefe information... who informed, Kenwright and Co. it stopped the preemptive press releases

Wouldn't ever give Greg O'Keefe the time of day myself.
He’s a horrible individual. I had arguments with him years ago. Wouldn’t criticise blue bill. Backed him whilst we were promoted as a small time little club.

Can’t stand him. Glad he’s disappeared from the scene.
This whole take over nonsense and marrass is as much a mess as everything else at the club. Moshiri is the one to blame we are stuck in purgatory, the limbo we are in makes us rudderless and if you aren't going forward you are sinking.
You'd think after about 5 failed takeover bids people would clock on it's only lunatics and charlatans that want to take over but anytime a journalist or media member points out a major flaw it's: "They're wrong, this new buyer is actually the real deal".

The truth is that Textor is over leveraged to the point he has had to sell off parts of Botafogo and Lyon and just like 777 he needs Everton to leverage against the stadium to prop up his football group.

Exactly the same as 777.... yet we got fans waving him in with open arms, the multi club structure can not work unless you are wealthy enough, Textor isn`t.

Im sceptical, very very sceptical and I would urge others to be the same. Textor is not our knight in shining armour....
Because when AllTogetherNow omitted Greg O'Keefe from press releases... the club was unable to create preemptive press releases

It was him by a process of elimination. No doubt passing information to his club handler David Prentice. Who's specific job title involved handling the press
Do you have no actual proof, just a conspiracy theory?
This is the classic nature abhors a vacuum scenario.

There are very few people outside those concerned, who know exactly what is going on, so the gap is being filled with all this speculation etc.

I'm with Dave. Ignore it all until we get an official announcement.

We can't influence what's going on, so until anything is definite, I'll just stick to booing Dyche and the team.
The truth is that Textor is over leveraged to the point he has had to sell off parts of Botafogo and Lyon and just like 777 he needs Everton to leverage against the stadium to prop up his football group.

Exactly the same as 777.... yet we got fans waving him in with open arms, the multi club structure can not work unless you are wealthy enough, Textor isn`t.

Im sceptical, very very sceptical and I would urge others to be the same. Textor is not our knight in shining armour....

I’m sceptical on the legitimacy of anything to do with Textor if I’m honest, I wouldn’t be and in fact my own belief is this is a smoke and mirrors show! I don’t take it seriously for a few reasons.

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