Join me in the spirit realm.

Just read the opening post on this. Reminded me of a time with vodka. I can't drink the stuff, it sends me loopy. Like most people have a drink that turns them into the worst version of themselves, well this is mine and this is my story.

Me and an ex years ago were going to one of her family members engagement party. It was a Friday but I didn't manage to finish work till late and only got through the door gone six so had to rush getting showered and changed etc Her, her mum, sister and a couple of other women were already a few bottles of prosecco deep in the kitchen and being a bit loud and rowdy. While getting ready I thought I know I'll have a drink to catch up with them. Went into the spirit cupboard and all we had in was an unopened bottle of Makers Mark, some baileys (or equivalent) and a small bit of stolly that someone had left after a party ages ago.
Poured a large stolly and took it upstairs. By the time I walked back down into the kitchen I could already feel myself tingling but just poured another one with some mixer and finished it. Mainly because her and her family are a pain drunk and being sober around them would have been a nightmare. Get to the venue, I know I'll just stay on the vodka what can go wrong.
It's about 10 o'clock and I'm stood at the urinal and remember thinking to myself "I'm a bit drunk here I have no idea who I've been sat with for the last hour" anyway styled it out and ended up sat with some of the older fellas chatting the usual nonsense.
She pulls me aside and says apparently I haven't shut up for the last hour (I'm not a drug user it was all vodka), drink some water or go home you'll make a show of yourself. "Haha yeah good one".

The next morning I wake up half dressed on top of the bed with the worlds worst headache. It felt like someone was drilling into my skull. Check my phone, no moody messages or anything off her so I go downstairs. Her and her mum sat in the kitchen with a brew. "Morning" "erm afternoon.... do you know what you did last night?"

I'd been dancing away with people but kept apologising to every single fella there for going on then asking was it them who grassed me up to my bird? This ended with me walking over to the table with my top off saying I'll have a dance off with whoever grassed me up. The average age of the fellas at the table being about 60. To make matters worse I've made the dj put Bat Out Of Hell on and started sliding round on my knees. broke up with my missus, told her auntie to F off and apparently called plenty of people the C word.

To add insult to injury I've kicked off in the taxi because the driver wouldn't take us into town, he's kicked us out and we've had to walk about 2 miles to get home. Her mum actually found it quite funny but my bird made me ring about 4 people who I barely know to apologise. Pretty much all saying "its fine but you do need to calm down with your drinking" I didn't even have a drink problem I had an allergic to vodka problem. I was hungover and had the fear for days and days.

I don't touch the stuff now.
Just read the opening post on this. Reminded me of a time with vodka. I can't drink the stuff, it sends me loopy. Like most people have a drink that turns them into the worst version of themselves, well this is mine and this is my story.

Me and an ex years ago were going to one of her family members engagement party. It was a Friday but I didn't manage to finish work till late and only got through the door gone six so had to rush getting showered and changed etc Her, her mum, sister and a couple of other women were already a few bottles of prosecco deep in the kitchen and being a bit loud and rowdy. While getting ready I thought I know I'll have a drink to catch up with them. Went into the spirit cupboard and all we had in was an unopened bottle of Makers Mark, some baileys (or equivalent) and a small bit of stolly that someone had left after a party ages ago.
Poured a large stolly and took it upstairs. By the time I walked back down into the kitchen I could already feel myself tingling but just poured another one with some mixer and finished it. Mainly because her and her family are a pain drunk and being sober around them would have been a nightmare. Get to the venue, I know I'll just stay on the vodka what can go wrong.
It's about 10 o'clock and I'm stood at the urinal and remember thinking to myself "I'm a bit drunk here I have no idea who I've been sat with for the last hour" anyway styled it out and ended up sat with some of the older fellas chatting the usual nonsense.
She pulls me aside and says apparently I haven't shut up for the last hour (I'm not a drug user it was all vodka), drink some water or go home you'll make a show of yourself. "Haha yeah good one".

The next morning I wake up half dressed on top of the bed with the worlds worst headache. It felt like someone was drilling into my skull. Check my phone, no moody messages or anything off her so I go downstairs. Her and her mum sat in the kitchen with a brew. "Morning" "erm afternoon.... do you know what you did last night?"

I'd been dancing away with people but kept apologising to every single fella there for going on then asking was it them who grassed me up to my bird? This ended with me walking over to the table with my top off saying I'll have a dance off with whoever grassed me up. The average age of the fellas at the table being about 60. To make matters worse I've made the dj put Bat Out Of Hell on and started sliding round on my knees. broke up with my missus, told her auntie to F off and apparently called plenty of people the C word.

To add insult to injury I've kicked off in the taxi because the driver wouldn't take us into town, he's kicked us out and we've had to walk about 2 miles to get home. Her mum actually found it quite funny but my bird made me ring about 4 people who I barely know to apologise. Pretty much all saying "its fine but you do need to calm down with your drinking" I didn't even have a drink problem I had an allergic to vodka problem. I was hungover and had the fear for days and days.

I don't touch the stuff now.
I rarely touch vodka these days. Back in my youth it was crazy juice for me too. I'd probably be fine with it now but I never go near it.

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