Quite possibly the worst idea ever. Lets boo someone who has made a couple of mistakes because that will make them better at what they do. That will have the opposite effect and you know it.He lost us a creditable, morale boosting result and let his team mates down. I'd hope there'd be some attempt to show humility.
As far as I'm concerned this lad has shown way too much arrogance since he arrived here. He's committed a lot of mistakes this season. Indulging him wont make that stop.
If he makes another mistake tonight he should feel the disastisfaction of the crowd. It's the only way a character like this will learn. He;s a man-child who deminstrates almost no self awareness or discipline. "He's just a baby in goal keeping terms" I've heard as an excuse for him. Well, if you want him to remain infantile then continue to give him a free pass, then continue to watch us pay for it.