There is no cure for AidsAids will be given the boot
There is no cure for AidsAids will be given the boot
Champion the Juander Horse....
What would the neighbours say?
They might have a bit to say
Rein it in ladNay, I doubt it
Some talk that newspapers in Spain are saying it's done for 21 million. If so that'll be incredible considering the RS just dropped 32 on fn Mane lol
Not done.
Bad day and Satan curse.
Do you mock the Mole, NEIZ?
I do mock that Mole fella mert, the utter anonymous jetsetting biff.
He's probably sat in Marseille well on the lemo posting from his static IP address, and nobody ever knows.
Judge them in 5 years mate, and I know who'll be the best signing. Osman had to play with all kinds of dross throughout his career, one wasOsman out Mata in
2 good to be true