Kirkby Article

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I dunno why you would want to appear neutral as its a very emotive issue and if we were to ask on the other site what your stance was i doubt very much we would get anything other than dennis is anti kirkby
you're now contradicting yourself, as you accused me in a previous post of posting this "nonsense" on bk. by the way, you've used the term neutral, not me. i'm passionately pro-everton. for me this debate is not about me being "right" about any given option, it's only n opportuinty to discuss the issues in an attempt to understand them better, due to my concern over what's best for everton.
you're now contradicting yourself, as you accused me in a previous post of posting this "nonsense" on bk. by the way, you've used the term neutral, not me. i'm passionately pro-everton. for me this debate is not about me being "right" about any given option, it's only n opportuinty to discuss the issues in an attempt to understand them better, due to my concern over what's best for everton.

No i havent i was giving you the benefit of the doubt, i dont actually believe your neutral
I am seriously considering removing this article. I can happily accept a balanced well-written view from either side, but this is purely a piece of hate-writing full of groundless accusations and no real facts. The article is just about the definition of conjecture.


Dylan, you talking about the article or some of our recent posts on GOT?
  • Hate filled writing. Check.
  • Groundless accusations. Check.
  • No real facts. Check and Check.
  • Conjecture. Check.

"I am seriously considering...". What a snotty, egotistical tone! When you realise that the rest of the world doesn't care about what you (or me) will, or won't, 'happily accept', I promise, you'll be in a better place. It's only words and letters - behave your fuucking self! (plus for a 'hate' piece, there wasn't a lot of hate in it). Removing stuff, is like putting your hands over your eyes and believing the world no longer exists. Dumb.

You may think it is egotistical, nowt I can do about that. If people want to offer up a piece that is well written with actual arguments to compose the body, I am fine with that. We have plenty of pro-Kirkby and plenty of anti-Kirkby posters on this board. I will, however, not let pieces like this become the definition of this sites stance on the issue. We aren't like other sites who censure people for not agreeing with the mass agenda, but I sure will remove any more posts that have nothing except an agenda.

As for me behaving, I think it is pretty clear you are the one who needs to behave, seeing as you are a guest here.
Yeh you have said this nonsense on the other site, dont know why you say it dennis as you have not made a pro kirkby post for ages if ever, which makes you anti kirkby does it not?

I've never made a pro-kirkby post. Am I anti-kirkby HB?

you love it.

why so abrasive?

your going about rubbing a few people up the wrong way.

Wouldn't be the first time :p

your less that 150 posts in, and it appears you are cutting quite a path.

HB may only have 150 posts under this name on this forum, but he's been around as long as i can remember, and this is pretty much his M.O.

As for me behaving, I think it is pretty clear you are the one who needs to behave, seeing as you are a guest here.

Possibly not for long! :)

You may think it is egotistical, nowt I can do about that. If people want to offer up a piece that is well written with actual arguments to compose the body, I am fine with that. We have plenty of pro-Kirkby and plenty of anti-Kirkby posters on this board. I will, however, not let pieces like this become the definition of this sites stance on the issue. We aren't like other sites who censure people for not agreeing with the mass agenda, but I sure will remove any more posts that have nothing except an agenda.

As for me behaving, I think it is pretty clear you are the one who needs to behave, seeing as you are a guest here.
Ha ha ha - Jesus, just LISTEN to it.

Oh NO!!

I'm only a guest, I'd better watch what I say! (pulls fake terrified face).

What are you, fifteen?

Anyone would think it was your house and I'd taken a dump in your airing cupboard.

Firstly, your 'threat' is no threat - do as you will, could give flying [Poor language removed] WHAT you do, or don't do.

Secondly, I'm going to tell you something I KNOW you don't know.

I'll say it slowly so you can take it in.

This - is - just - a - web - site.

What it is NOT, is a magical kingdom where you are the king and feared by one and all.

Censor, bar by all means (go on - fill your boots, knock yourself out!)

But everytime you do (just like ANYONE adopting the same tactic) you're simply saying 'I don't have the wit/balls/confidence to deal with this, so....I'll ban it.

(mentally, I'm picturing you like certain Viz character who's mother should be much firmer with him)

PS: And I just KNOW you're one of those people who say "look, I think it's time to 'move on'" when you feel a 'debate' isn't going your way.

Censor, bar by all means (go on - fill your boots, knock yourself out!)

But everytime you do (just like ANYONE adopting the same tactic) you're simply saying 'I don't have the wit/balls/confidence to deal with this, so....I'll ban it.

I hope he doesn't ban you, else this forum will end up like kipper or Toffeeweb where yes supporters get banned for yes supporters and proudly airing the fact.
Ha ha ha - Jesus, just LISTEN to it.

Oh NO!!

I'm only a guest, I'd better watch what I say! (pulls fake terrified face).

What are you, fifteen?

Anyone would think it was your house and I'd taken a dump in your airing cupboard.

Firstly, your 'threat' is no threat - do as you will, could give flying [Poor language removed] WHAT you do, or don't do.

Secondly, I'm going to tell you something I KNOW you don't know.

I'll say it slowly so you can take it in.

This - is - just - a - web - site.

What it is NOT, is a magical kingdom where you are the king and feared by one and all.

Censor, bar by all means (go on - fill your boots, knock yourself out!)

But everytime you do (just like ANYONE adopting the same tactic) you're simply saying 'I don't have the wit/balls/confidence to deal with this, so....I'll ban it.

(mentally, I'm picturing you like certain Viz character who's mother should be much firmer with him)

PS: And I just KNOW you're one of those people who say "look, I think it's time to 'move on'" when you feel a 'debate' isn't going your way.


Here's how it goes. You either play 'nice', which by the way you aren't or you don't air your views here. There are plenty of other websites who will put up and possibly enjoy your vitriolic criticismn. You just aren't going to do it here.

I don't need anybody to fear me, especially across the internet. I have enough bother dealing with 'stuff' like that at work. I don't have an ego to fufill, nor am I running with an agenda.

Age-wise, I am a little older than 15, and am fairly above making immature remarks across the web. I will tell you this. Collectively, this website moderates itself. Rarely does an admin or moderator have to step in, but when we do, it is usually for special cases like yourself who think they know it all. I am not going to argue with you, as I would get more productivity out of arguing with a brick wall. No, I will do the decent thing and remove your ability to post here, because you are the definition of an 'internet troll'. You are here for no other reason to wind people up.

Hope you have fun with that on somebody elses website! Bye!

This whole Kirkby thing is a bit gay isnt it?

Its like a code word that causes us all to behave like proper little cyber melts. The votes happened and we'll see if it goes ahead. Im a firm dont know.

sits on fence*
Like I said.

If it goes down, it'll be a non-issue in 10 years time and people will look back and wonder what it was all about.
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