my dad is a film director and he knew dawn hudson. He's a jammy git and gets to see films before they are released. For some reason he wanted to see this film, i wasn't going to argue.
i cant wait for the new die hard film, i'd ask him to have a word with his mate but its out next month so may as well wait.
Anyone watched "Cloud Atlas" , got it downloaded and ready to watch but the trailer was a bit vague ??
Just can't make up my mind on this one , gonna watch it out of curiosity me thinks
I'v seen it and it is almost impenetrable plot wise...It appears to be made up of tributes to various film genres with the same actors playing various parts..Very strange but oddly watchable and Tom hanks is fantastic.
When you've seen it i would be interested in what you think....Think its about second chances...or something.
Saw the trailer for this a month or so ago and thought it looked weirdly awesome. Really looking forward to see if it plays out well. Love films that mess with time/reality etc
Cav: where'd u get it from and is the quality any good?
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